LVS Ascot, Senior School
Introducing LVS Ascot
A co-educational day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 4-18. Our aim at LVS Ascot is to inspire students to become independent and teach them the skills they need to succeed in life. When joining school, from day one pupils will be challenged to strive academically whatever their starting point, and to try new sports and activities. LVS believe that students will fulfill their potential when they are given the space to explore, learn, grow, make mistakes and bounce back.
Encouragement from staff gives pupils the confidence to ask questions and strive for success without the fear of making a mistake. Senior School provides learning extension programmes such as the Highly Able programme for the most gifted pupils as well as providing support for those who need it. School keeps a check on each pupil’s progress to allow us to set challenging but realistic learning goals, and parents receive regular feedback on pupils’ progress and achievements.
LVS Ascot provides a flexible, all-round study programme combining the best of England’s famed educational advantages with bespoke EAL tuition and cultural acclimatisation. Depending on their goals and needs, students may fully enrol on LVS Ascot’s mainstream programmes, such as GCSE and A level courses or design an individual programme combining EAL study with elements of the mainstream courses.
LVS Ascot Senior School is passionate about cultivating students’ curiosity, compassion, creativity, resilience and moral courage. Staff has the highest expectations for all of our students and work hard to help them live up to these. Students are encouraged to strive for their best to achieve their goals, which could be Oxbridge entrance, achievement at GCSE, honour on the sports f ield or success in an artistic endeavour. Underpinned by the national curriculum and informed by our five aims, the structure of the Senior School is designed to fulfil each individual’s academic potential. All students in Years 7 – 11 study the core subjects of English, maths and science (biology, chemistry and physics) and have two hours of physical education each week alongside a robust personal, social, health and economics (PSHE) programme. A variety of courses in Years 7 – 9 expose students to numerous other subjects in the arts, humanities, languages and technology to ensure a wide-ranging and balanced educational foundation. Informed by these experiences, students in Years 10 and 11 have a wide choice of options in addition to a combination of GCSEs in the three core subjects. Most of courses are mixed-ability, though the core subjects are set by ability in order to stretch and support all students to reach their potential. An excellent average student to teacher ratio of under 15 helps ensure success and this small class size means that each child is understood and encouraged as an individual.
LVS Ascot boarding
LVS Ascot is a modern, comfortable and all-inclusive home from home for boys and girls aged 7 to 18. Boarders enjoy a vibrant pastoral system with outstanding medical and personal care.
Boarding houses:
• Kew House – Junior and Senior boys’ house up to and including Year 9
• Osborne House – Junior and Senior girls’ house up to and including Sixth Form
• Hampton House – Senior boys’ house up to and including Sixth Form
The house teams are headed up by the Deputy Head Pastoral and the Senior Leader/Boarding, and together they provide the safe and supportive surroundings for today’s boarders. Each one of our four boarding houses has excellent facilities including common rooms, kitchens and ample space for all to relax and work. All rooms are personalised and inviting, thereby creating a sense of a ‘home from home’. Our boarders also have complete access to the Health and Well-Being Centre, including counselling service and our school chaplain. Boarding at LVS Ascot aims to develop the whole person, physically, spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially and emotionally in an atmosphere of positive encouragement. It benefits the school in its entirety, celebrating a sense of togetherness and family that is at the heart of our boarding community. Boarding is an integral part of life here at LVS Ascot. Our boarders are fully supported at every stage of their journey through school with us and through the excellent working relationships and rapport we establish with parents and guardians.
Price includes:
• Lunch for day pupils
• All meals for boarders
• Curriculum books
• Exam entrance charges
• Sports fixture travel
• Personal accident insurance
• Most after-school activities
• Evening & weekend activities for boarders
- Scholarships are available to students as they enter Senior School into Year 7 and Sixth Form into Year 12.