High schools in Canada

High schools in Canada


High schools in Canada

Canada, the second largest country in the world by area, is not without reason the dream destination of many travelers. Amazing nature, untouched wilderness, glaciers, rainforests, vast sandy beaches, countless lakes and bustling multicultural cities like Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver evoke incredible fascination. The population also impresses with its diversity: here different cultures live peacefully. You will certainly adapt very quickly, because people are approachable and extremely accommodating.


Canada has an excellent education system that is federally structured. That is, education is in the hands of individual provinces. Schools are themselves organized on the principle of the university. You can choose the school individually – to suit your interests and expectations. Placement in a particular class takes place in Canada, depending on the level of performance. Tuition fees are paid for public schools, which vary from province to province. The offer of private schools and boarding schools exceeds those in public schools. Especially in the sports or creative field, the choice is diverse and everyone can find a program for themselves. Do you find Canada’s bilingualism attractive? Then the province of New Brunswick is the right place for you, the only bilingual province in Canada! Quebec is French and English is spoken in all other provinces.


Those who attend a Canadian boarding school will find friends from all over the world, as many schools have a high proportion of international students. After studying in Canada, you return home not only with a wonderful foreign experience, but also with an international network of contacts and friends from all over the world.


Canadian families are happy to receive international students. Through integration into Canadian family life and open nature, you will quickly adjust to the host family and make new friends. Here, the usual financial support for household housing, which is directly addressed by the school district in question. Each district has its own rules about the host family, their standards are high and strict when choosing.

AGE: 13 – 19 years

START: January / September

DURATION: 3 months / 5 months / 10 months

PRICE: 3 months from 7,970 Eur

*A student permit is required to participate in the high school program.


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