Villiers Day & Boarding School
Villiers School is the only boarding school in Ireland authorised to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) at senior cycle, offering students the choice between national and international curriculum.
Boarding enables our students to gain individual autonomy while simultaneously learning to live and interact with others. Our aim is for our boarding graduates to complete their Villiers journey as young adults, who are confident in their ability to communicate readily and easily with those from different cultures and backgrounds. Boarding students are ready to take their place in an interconnected, globalised world.
Boarders appreciate what it means to be part of a highly supportive community and actively encourage each other to achieve their potential. Living and growing together, students understand how their actions affect others. They learn to be considerate and tolerant of different views as well as resilient to the challenges that life and learning can bring.
At Villiers, we are extremely proud of the rich cultural diversity of our boarding house, which, although predominately Irish, enjoys and celebrates the cultural richness of students from many nationalities, making us a great choice for boarding school in Ireland.
Villiers School is an affiliate member of the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA).
At Junior Cycle our students study eight core subjects, and choose two optional subjects, in addition to engaging in a wellbeing programme, which is central to non-examinable subjects, such as C.S.P.E., S.P.H.E., Digital Wellbeing & Media Literacy, and Physical Education (P.E.). Ten academic subjects are examined at the end of Form III. The results of these will appear on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement along with CBA outcomes and a report on the student’s engagement with co and extracurricular activities within the programme.
Clicking on a subject below will open a new window to an external page containing further information about that subject. This information is provided by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
Core Subjects
- Irish
- English
- Mathematics
- French
- German
- Spanish
- History
- Geography
- Science
- Religious Education
Choice Subjects
- Visual Art
- Home Economics
- Business Studies
- Graphics
- Applied Technology
- Music
- Classics
Wellbeing Subjects
- Civic, Social and Political Studies
- Physical Education
- Social, Personal and Health Education
- Digital Wellbeing & Media Literacy
Boarding School Accommodation
In Villiers, we have four boarding houses.
- Barrington House
- Lansdowne House
- Glendower House
- Riverview House
Accommodation varies slightly in each dormitory, and typically boarders are accommodated within rooms that accommodate between 4-8 students. Typically, houses and rooms are assigned by year group and gender, taking into account cultural and language diversity to ensure that English is the primary language spoken in the boarding house.
In 2020, the boarding house was extended with the addition of Barrington House. In 2021, renovations were completed in Lansdowne House and Riverview House. Refurbishments continued in Glendower House in the summer of 2022. All dormitories have been fitted with new mattresses within the last two years. Villiers is committed to continuous improvement of our boarding facilities, to ensure the most up-to-date facilities for our boarding students, in their home away from home.
Leaving Certificate
The Leaving Certificate points obtained by our students consistently exceed the national average each year. On average, 30% of Villiers School students achieve more than 500 points in the Leaving Certificate.
In 2021, two Villiers students achieved the maximum of 625 points. We typically have double the national average of students who achieve more than 400 points in the Leaving Certificate. We also have double the national average of Leaving Certificate students who achieve Higher Level Mathematics.
Additionally, academic success at Villiers has been recognized by the SEC in recent years, with a number of students achieving ‘highest grade’ awards in subjects such as Economics, Technology and German.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
The IB Diploma Programme at Villiers has grown from five students in the first cohort, the graduating class of 2020, to sixteen students in our fourth cohort, the current final year students, the class of 2023.
We are very proud to have a 100% IBDP graduation rate, and our average DP results are consistent with global IB average results, with Villiers students achieving an overall average of 33 points, and an average grade of 5.25.