St. Peter’s College High School
Established: 1939
Category : State Integrated
Intake times: January, April, July, October
Students: 11- 18 years old boys ( Year levels 7-13)
Location: Central Auckland, New Zealand
Number of Students: 1300
St Peter’s College, in Central Auckland, has provided quality education to international students since 1995 with a dedicated international department. We have qualified teachers specialising in teaching international students English.
St Peter’s has well-established links with a number of schools in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Students come from a wide variety of countries and the College welcomes a mix of backgrounds. Limited number of students are accepted from outside New Zealand and no single country is permitted to dominate the international students’ group.
A full curriculum is offered covering a wide range of Sciences, Mathematics, Languages, Arts and other subjects from Years 7-13. The programme in the senior school is designed to be a pre-university course or to lead on to tertiary study in a polytechnic. Several foreign languages are available. Both NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) and CIE (Cambridge International Examination) are offered. Students are guided as to which pathway is their best choice.
Students attend the College as part of the wider school group whilst under the umbrella of the International Centre. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of English. However ESOL classes are available for those who need them. ESOL is taught in the International Centre while all other subjects are taken with their NZ peers in their subject classes.
Students planning to study at university are encouraged to enrol at St Peter’s for a minimum of two years to improve their competence in English. Applications will be accepted for Year 13 only if suited to the student and the College.
School facilities include an excellent Library with on-line services, a Technology facility for those taking electronics, woodwork or IT, Science Laboratories, Computer Labs with audio-visual teaching aids, playing fields for sport and a new gymnasium. Music is very strong in the College and excellent opportunities are available for learning instruments, with free tuition, and performance. We also offer a wide range of sporting opportunities including Rugby, Tennis, Table Tennis, Cricket and Football.
The College is located in a central position in Auckland city, close to major bus routes and Grafton Train Station.
All students are required to have full medical and travel insurance. This is available from the College (NZ$500). If insurance is arranged elsewhere, proof of insurance must be produced. If you have an accident while in New Zealand, you will be part-covered by the New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation. Some medical costs may still apply.
Homestays are the preferred option at St Peter’s. There are many families from the St Peter’s Catholic community who welcome international students. Most are Catholic families, usually with boys attending the College with whom students can readily relate.
St Peter’s College offers a wide range of sports in which your son is able to participate in. It is our intention to ensure that as many boys as possible represent St Peter’s in their chosen sport. We want our boys to reap the wide-ranging benefits that sports provide . These include the obvious physical benefits right through to the sense of belonging boys have when being part of a team. As a school we are proud that we can offer sporting opportunities from our elite athletes, through to our social participation athletes.
St Peter’s College has a proud sporting tradition and is one of the leading secondary schools in Auckland for both participation and achievement. Over the years we have gained national titles in rugby, softball, athletics, and rowing. A number of our past and present students have gained regional and nationals honours. Our premier Rugby, Cricket, Basketball, Water polo, Football, Touch and Softball sides compete in the top Auckland Secondary School grades.
St Peter’s sporting success can be attributed to the dedication of a large number of highly motivated and passionate staff, parent helpers and sportsmen themselves. While we are fortunate to have such a large number of staff involved in coaching and managing teams, we also require parental assistance to ensure we can field teams for all boys who want to play sport for St Peter’s.
Being a member of a school sports team brings responsibility. Your son is required to:
- Attend all practices on time
- Attend meetings promptly
- Wear the correct SPC playing uniform
- Represent the school with pride and dignity
- Show respect to their coach, team members and opposition
- Once your son has entered into a sport, they are committed to that team for the entire season
We strongly encourage your son to make the most of the excellent sporting opportunities at St Peter’s College. Being involved in a sport will make your son’s time at school a more memorable one and will help provide a positive and lifelong attitude towards sport and recreation.
St Peter’s has a large variety of cultural activities to cater for the diverse interests of students.
From Music to Debating, Drama to Kapa Haka; there are many opportunities to become involved in cultural events.
The cultural diversity of St Peter’s can be witnessed on a day-to-day basis and we celebrate our multi-cultural St Peter’s Community.
Cilck on one of the links below to find out more:
Applications are now open for the Dylan Mika Memorial Scholarship.
Dylan Mika (1972-2018) was a proud Old Boy of St Peter’s College. Dylan went on to play first class Rugby for Auckland, Blues, Chiefs, Manu Samoa and the All Blacks.
The Mika family and friends have established a fund in Dylan’s memory. The scholarship covers tuition costs* for the recipient for their Year 9 -13 schooling.
The winner of this scholarship must be:
• Currently in Year 8
• Of Pasifika heritage
• Active in their Catholic Parish
• Dedicated to their academic studies
• Highly engaged in Rugby
*Note: the scholarship does not cover other costs such as uniform, camps, stationery etc.
International students are required to have a Student Visa (unless short-term) to be able to study in New Zealand.